시간의 돛단배

No joke I couldn't sleep more than

chloed 2009. 11. 11. 16:27

No joke, I couldn't sleep more than four hours a day last hell week. With three exams on three consecutive days, as well as the usual quizzes, labs, and p-sets, there was no other way than sacrificing my sleep. It was torture for the person like me who loves to sleep. Feeling like a corpse, I promised myself that I would remain completely brainless at least till Sunday after the exam, giving myself some space to breath and stay alive for about three days.

그래서 금요일에는 아침에 언어학 시험을 보고 난 후 방에 가방을 던져 놓고 혼자서 메트로를 타고 휑하니 몰에 갔다가, 돌아와서는 예전부터 틈만 나면 부대찌개 노래를 불렀던 관우랑 관우 친구들이 공수해 온 재료를 가지고 부대찌개도 해 먹고, 심심해 죽으려고 하는 로레인이 우리 RA한테서 빌려 온 DVD로 (나는 예전에 봤었던) <Pulp Fiction>을 보다가 이불을 몸에 둘둘 두른 채로 쇼파에서 잠이 들었다. 중간에 로레인이 깨워서 방에 들어가서 잤는데 꼬박 열두 시간을 자고 일어났다. 아무 걱정 없이 아침 아홉 시에 눈을 뜰 수 있다는 기쁨?

After grabbing a quick lunch at Bear's Grill, I went to watch Diwali with Lorraine. It was a total blast. I didn't watch it last year, which I'm regretting now, but the sure thing is that I'm gonna watch it next year again. Then I went to Dance Marathon but didn't stay till the end; I wish I could but I was too tired to stay for the club time. I didn't know why I felt so tired but soon figured out that it might be because I made ice cream with AXE people using liquid nitrogen and tons of sugar and cream for about two hours. Some people complained that the ice cream was grainy from some undissolved sugar (and I admit that) but most people still liked it and it was fun making it. It reminded me of last year's DM when I had really got to know about AXE for the first time after the activities fair. Anyways my Saturday also went by like that, without really using my brain as I had planned.

일요일에는 오전에 성당을 갔다와서 방에서 더 쉬려고... 했는데 양심에 찔려서 도서관에 가서 물리 랩 리포트나 쓰고 있었다. 저녁을 먹고 물리 숙제를 하다가 은근 오랫동안 못 본 지미 언니한테 전화가 와서 둘이서 커피를 마실까? 했다가 충동적으로 갤러리아에 영화를 보러 갔다. 그런데 무작위로 고른 <The Fourth Kind>가 하필 꽤 (적어도 나랑 언니한테는) 무서운 영화여서 방으로 돌아온 나는 트라우마에 휩싸였다. 자다가 더워서 중간에 한 번 깼는데 영화 생각 때문에 무서워서 시계를 못 볼 정도로? 그런데 보고 났더니 갑자기 공포 영화가 끌려서인지 조만간 <Paranormal Activity>를 보고싶어졌다. 내 동생이나 희상 말로는 <FK>가 무서웠으면 <PA>를 보면 기절할지도 모르겠다지만...

After all, another week began. I thought it would be "heaven week" but to no surprise I still have a lot of stuff to get done with (welcome to college), although compared to last few weeks it is definitely chill week at least. There is no exam - what a huge difference that is. Other than all the quizzes, labs, and p-sets, I have only one exam next Tuesday and that will be it until Thanksgiving break. (KMLA REUNION!!! YAY!!!) Well, two exams will come to haunt me right after the break but hey, let's not talk about that for a while...