가장 보통의 존재
this could've been beautiful
2011. 7. 6. 11:20
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm thinking about time and space.
I'm thinking about poetry and prose.
I'm thinking about science and aesthetics.
I'm thinking about people I know.
I'm thinking about people I do not know yet.
I'm thinking about people I would never be able to know.
I'm thinking about eternity and ephemerality.
I'm thinking about absoluteness and relativity.
I'm thinking about universality and particularity.
I'm thinking about past.
I'm thinking about present.
I'm thinking about future.
I'm thinking about life and mortality.
I'm thinking about justice and injustice.
I'm thinking about freedom and obligation.
I'm thinking about my id.
I'm thinking about my ego.
I'm thinking about my superego.
I'm thinking about fact and fiction.
I'm thinking about light and shadow.
I'm thinking about sound and silence.
I'm thinking about what I value.
I'm thinking about what I would value.
I'm thinking about what I would have to value.
I'm thinking about order and disorder.
I'm thinking about lightness and weight.
I'm thinking about subjectivity and objectivity.
I'm thinking about respect.
I'm thinking about admiration.
I'm thinking about trust.
(Or, just in short, love, which equals respect, admiration, and trust.)
I'm thinking.
I'm also thinking that this could've been beautiful.
That is, this could've been more beautiful than this. Is this it?